Company events


Our offer for organising company events for kids includes, amongst others, St Nicolas parties, Christmas parties, carnival parties and many more. Any excuse to spend time having fun, integrate and celebrate successes together is a good excuse.

Photo and filming sessions

photo sessions
filming sessions

As a space to rent, Inca Play enables the reservation of any zones within the entertainment park for a chosen length of time: for an hour, a few hours, a whole day or a number days. In the timeframe reserved by you, our playground can be transformed into your personal photo or film studio, whereas we, as your assistants, will offer our help and expertise every step of the way.

The Inca Play playground is a place where you can, not only have fun, but also accomplish many artistic endeavours. On more than one occasion, we have had the opportunity to host photographers, film makers and other artists who were searching for inspiration to create visual pieces featuring children. The colourful, fun and incredibly creative space we have managed to conceive in our entertainment centre, one which is divided into many play zones covering two levels with a total floorspace of 1400m2, offers huge possibilities for creativity and the realisation of different artistic visions.

Would you like to organise a recording session here? That is not a problem, we are more than happy to make space available to you, and we will help with the coordination and organisation of the whole endeavour. You can use this space to film an advertisement, a video, but also scenes for a film or series. The light, spacious, and attraction-filled interior of our playground can be the ideal setting for your production- it will serve as a beautiful backdrop, give you freedom of perspective, add dynamics to your film shots, but above all, allow you to record pure childhood enthusiasm, thanks to which the end result will not look unnatural or forced.

Inca Play is also an ideal space for a photo shoot. Whether it is for advertising sessions commissioned by marketing companies, or private family sessions, authenticity is of prime importance, that is why photographers often encourage their young models to play in front of the camera. At Inca Play, kids do not need to be encouraged- the multitude of attractions in our playground is enough to make any child happy. Thanks to this, photos turn out natural and authentic, are full of life and emotion, they capture true happiness in children. A photo shoot in a location like ours is also more comfortable for kids and easier for photographers- it does not require children to remain motionless for a long time, instead, it allows them to do whatever they like.

Gift cards

Gift cards for children are a great idea for presents for your company’s employees. The cards can be a lovely surprise for your team, and a way of showing them appreciation for the hard work and commitment they give to developing your business, additionally, it aids their positive attitudes and motivation to work. We recommend the cards as gifts for St Nicolas Day, Children’s Day and other occasions, but also as a reward for achieved successes. They can be given to anyone who has kindergarten or school-age children- we promise that such a gift will make them happy because thanks to the it, they will spend a joyful time with their loved ones in the best playground in Warsaw.

Our gift cards are a versatile present for children because they can be used for any service offered at the Inca Play playground. By giving children a choice, we personalise this present- the receiver can dedicate it to whatever they like or need the most. Each card opens a wide range of choices. Amongst them you will find, for example, tickets to the playground, birthday parties and climbing walls. The voucher also allows you to use our restaurant offer, so it can be exchanged for a delicious Italian pizza and other tasty snacks available in the Włosko i My bistro. Our gift cards for children are a perfect and original present- it is great to collect fond memories.

The gift vouchers for kids offered by us are available in various values: from 100zł upwards. Each one guarantees a smile on a child’s face, and consequently, a smile on a parent’s face. Our playground has 19 years of experience in making children’s dreams come true, hence you may be sure that a card, giving access to its attractions will turn out to be the perfect gift for every parent. The vouchers are valid for a year and do not need to be used immediately. Once they have been purchased, you still have plenty of time to give them to someone when the moment is right.


Inca Play is a playground which stands out form others due to its original- warm and cosy, but also stylish- decor. The playground’s spacious, light and comfortable interior, filled with pleasant colours which emphasise the friendly character of the place, presents itself beautifully in the lens of a camera. That is why we have decided to extend our offer and now recommend ourselves as a rent-out space for conferences, trade shows, shows and other promotional events organised by child oriented brands.

Every brand offering products for children cares about reaching the widest possible target audience, making a good impression on them, and encouraging them to shop. We help to realise this target, by making conference space available, and also providing an adequate setting for the whole event. Our playground has sufficient floorspace to accommodate hundreds of people, therefore we will be able to host your company’s employees, journalists, press photographers, an audience and other event participants. Every guest will receive tasty food and beverages. Our professional staff will make all of your guests comfortable.

Inca Play is the perfect space for conferences and other events promoting children’s brands, not only because it boasts a photogenic interior, huge floorspace and a rich catering menu, but also because it acts as the ideal setting for such meetings. Your exhibition will look fantastic against the backdrop of numerous children’s attractions, surrounded by real plants and beautiful decorations, and accompanied by the sounds of children laughing and enjoying themselves. A family atmosphere pervades Inca Play, and this is exactly what you need to create a warm, homely atmosphere at your conference, one that will delight your guests and encourage them to see your company in a positive light, acknowledging its friendliness, professionalism and trustworthiness.

You can be sure, that a place as elegant as our playground will add appeal and authenticity to your brand, and also help it in successful marketing.